1,001 Movies – Week 34

“Children of Men” to “Chocolat”


Children of Men (2006) – A harrowing tale of a post-apocalyptic nature, where no children have been born in the world for over 18 years. The omnipresent sense of foreboding doom for society is tempered by a great minor character played by Michael Caine, who remains ever-optimistic about life in this era.  Clive Owen plays a character entrusted to “do the right thing” when all he wants is to live out his existence with a minimum of input.  A dark yet enlightening film. (SB)

The Children’s Hour (1961) – Audrey Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine give outstanding performances as two young teachers whose lives and careers are ruined by a devious little girl in Lillian Hellman’s tragedy. Excellent supporting performances by Miriam Hopkins as MacLaine’s aunt and James Garner as the nice young doctor who loves Hepburn’s character, but not enough to stay. (BW)

Chinatown (1974) – Roman Polanski directed this ingenious detective thriller by Robert Towne set in 1930’s Los Angeles that starred Jack Nicholson as a private detective looking into underhanded dealings in water rights. This is an example of a nearly flawless film.  (GS)

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
– Would you believe that Ian Fleming wrote this? I can’t say much for the songs (though “Hush-a-bye Mountain” has some pleasant memories), but Dick van Dyke spares us his “English” accent, the kids are refreshingly non-saccharine, the Child Catcher still brings a shiver to my spine, and how often do you get to see Gert “Goldfinger” Frobe play comedy? (KCL)

Chocolat (2000) – Lots of well known European actors – Judi Dench, Lena Olin, H. O`Connor, Juliet Binoche, and Yankee buccaneer Johnny Depp – make this a high calorie sumptuous viewing. A magical mother and her daughter come into to a small village and open a chocolate shop. They turn this little town inside out as the mother and daughter evolve transcendently. A great date-film! (KWR)


Originally published in Raspberry World – Volume 2, Issue 1 (June/July 2007)