Brand Names

Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Pairing: Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin

Category: gen

Rating: G

Word Count: 100

Notes: Written for the LiveJournal group slashthedrabble challenge #223 – “brand”

Original Publication Date: 22 September 2009



Illya snorted as watched Napoleon search his wardrobe for just the right shirt. All of Napoleon’s clothing had to have a designer label. When they were last in Rome, Illya watched as Napoleon cast aside a finely crafted silk shirt when he discovered it wasn’t Armani.

Illya prided himself that he never cared about brands – as long as it was suitable for his purpose that was fine with him.

Napoleon was finally ready and the pair set off for dinner.

Napoleon looked up to see Illya wrinkling his nose at his drink. “What’s the matter?”

“The vodka. It’s not Stolichnaya.”