The North Pole Affair

Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Category: gen

Rating: G

Word Count: 114

Notes: Written for the LiveJournal group MFUWSS December 2009 Challenge #12 – “North Pole”


“I think I’ve discovered a hole in your theory, Napoleon.”

“It’s not a theory, Illya — higher on your side, there — it’s a tradition.”

“Nevertheless. The North Pole does not exist. I have been there; it is only an ice shelf. How can you perpetuate such a erroneous statement? How much tinsel should I use?”

“All of it. The story is to keep kids from going to look for Santa’s workshop — no, not one strand at a time! Try tossing it on by the handful… like this.” Napoleon demonstrated.

Illya looked at him through the silver strands cascading over his head. “Very funny. Would you like to know where I’m going to place this ornament?”