Both Ends Burning

Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Category: gen

Rating: G

Word Count: 97

Notes: Written for the LiveJournal group MFUWSS December 2009 Challenge #19 – “candles”


The flame was a tongue of mellow gold — yellow and white with a heart of blue. It danced over the tip of the wick, nibbling daintily at the sweating wax column.

The rope burned slowly, the untwisting veins of hemp smoldering and curling. It soaked up the heat and seared the raw skin on his wrists, but he ignored the pain.

Survive. Escape. Rescue Napoleon. Heal later.

Smoke filled the small room as the fire sawed at his bonds. He held his breath, hoping that neither the flame nor he would die before the oxygen ran out.