What can one say about this classic television ad? I mean, it’s obvious that it’s just bloody brilliant in every single aspect. Bruce Campbell proves yet again that he is The Man.
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What can one say about this classic television ad? I mean, it’s obvious that it’s just bloody brilliant in every single aspect. Bruce Campbell proves yet again that he is The Man.
“Blade Runner” to “The Blood on Satan’s Claw”
“The Black Hole” to “The Black Shield of Falworth”
This video by Lim is quite simply one of the most stunning fan videos I have ever seen. It’s even garnered mainstream press and is one of the videos held up as an example of artistic merit in the fight to allow the extraction of clips from a DVD for inclusion in noncommercial remix videos, such as fanvids to be categorized as to be fair use.
“Billion Dollar Brain” to “The Black Cat”
This is one of the most artistically made fan videos I’ve ever seen. Each frame has been enhanced – colorized, blurred, scratched, etc. It’s a hypnotic in its intensity. It’s a slash video from t. jonsey & killa featuring TOS Kirk/Spock and the fabulous song is from Nine Inch Nails. The song includes a bad word, repeated in the chorus, so this isn’t family-friendly. It is, however, an amazing achievement in fanvids.
“The Big Lebowski” to “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure”
This is a very strange little fan video that had me laughing at the lyrics, which are thankfully subtitled, and the very odd clips but it’s the very last bit that had me on the floor.
“Better Off Dead” to “A Big Hand for a Little Lady”
It’s hard for me to pick my favorite video by thebigbluemeany – they’re all just so damn amazing. This one, however, is just oozing angst and that’s just what The Doctor ordered as we gear up to this years Christmas/New Years two-part episode and the end of an era…