Knives of Winter

Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Category: gen

Rating: G

Word Count: 102

Notes: Written for the LiveJournal group MFUWSS December 2009 Challenge #6 – “icicle”




Illya squatted down, frowning at the dead Thrush agent. “We were supposed to bring one in alive.”

Napoleon chafed his freezing hands. “If he’d got away, he’d have taken our snowmobile and warned the satrapy.” Gently, he patted the face of the fainting woman.

“Leaving us to freeze to death alongside the innocent Miss Bayou… is she all right?”

Wide eyes blinked open, looked around until they saw the dead man, then rolled up behind wilting lids again.

“Yep. She’s overwhelmed with gratitude.”

“Shh, Illya! Don’t be cruel.”

“Me, cruel? I’m not the one who just killed a Thrush with an icicle!”