Category Archives: General News

Site Down

On August 27 between approximately 8am and 4pm PT Raspberry World will be down because of a planned power outage.

We don’t know why they’re not doing it in the middle of the night either.

And, no, we don’t have our own generator. It’s on the list after we get a new and much faster server – but from the looks of our donation thermometer that’s gonna take a while…



Did you know that we recently moved to our own personal server? Yes indeedy! Raspberry World is on its own out in cyberspace! Of course this leads to other issues, such as our server slowing down and causing videos to buffer. We’re thrilled with the positive reaction to our video section but we were also surprised at how busy it is! We’d like to upgrade to a faster server but it will cost us approximately $900.00 to do so – and that’s where we need your help. On the front page there’s a PayPal donation box. Anything you can donate would be great and would help to offset the costs of keeping Raspberry World up and running. Thanks everyone!

New Addition: Fan Fiction

We’ve added a fan fiction section to the site. It is mostly made of up of Man from U.N.C.L.E. fiction but a few other programs are represented as well.

If you’re unfamiliar with fan fiction there are two types – gen and slash. Gen fiction is general fiction, where if there is any sex involved it’s between a man and a woman. Slash fiction is when there generally is sex involved but it’s between the same sexes. If sex isn’t involved in slash fiction, love most certainly is.

All of the stories are clearly marked and rated, so please be sure to read the headers before going further.

Remember, authors love feedback so if you enjoyed a story please be sure to log in and leave a comment.


If you look at the top of the page, you’ll notice there is now a tab marked “Videos”. Yes, Raspberry World is now hosting our own videos! Fan videos, clips of David McCallum and Robert Vaughn from hard-to-find movies and television shows, trailers, television promos and so much more. The area is in its early stages and will continue to grow over the year. Be sure to check it out!

Dance Off 2009

I created this snippet a while ago as a lark on LJ but I thought it was funny enough to share here. It’s a dance off between two famous actors. You can help decide the winner by leaving your comment!