What on Earth?

Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Pairing: Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin

Category: Can be interpreted as slash or gen

Rating: G

Word Count: 100

Summary: Written for the LiveJournal group MFUWSS “elements” Challenge

Original Publication Date: 30 January 2009



“Illya, what on earth are you doing?”

Looking up. “There’s something lumpy under the mattress.”

“What is that? Looks like a manuscript.”

“According to the title page it’s a fanzine.”

Napoleon sat down on the hotel bed to take a look himself. “Those are the two guys on that science fiction show.”

Illya sighed. “Star Trek.”

“Yeah. Good lord, what are they doing in that picture?”

Turning the book at an angle. “I think you’d have to be an alien to get into that position.”

Napoleon couldn’t resist. “I bet you’re flexible enough, tovarich. Do you want to find out?”