Category Archives: Raspberry World

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Video of the Week: The War Games

This is a jolly good promo for the 10-part epic “Doctor Who” story “The War Games”.  It not only marked the end of the journey for the Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe but for the first time viewers got to learn a little bit about the Doctor – the name of his planet, his race and so many other interesting tidbits.


What strikes me best about this trailer is how cool it all looks. I mean, I’ve watched this ten-parter more than once and there’s a lot of dull in the midst of all that historic goings ons. Still, the trailer for the upcoming DVD release is a very cool ride.



Video of the Week: Pirate Cabaret

In celebration of International Talk Like a Pirate Day we present this group of drunken pirates who take over the cabaret at Gallifrey One: Episode XIV – The Faction Paradox held in 2003.  They sing perform a medley of piratical pop favorites. That’s “Doctor Who” writer Paul Cornell as the evening’s emcee.

Click at your own peril!